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Trend 2024: Mediterranean style

We are about to end this year and at Ceramoteca we are analyzing the styles and materials that aim to be a trend this coming year. 2024. One of the styles that will be a trend in 2024 It is the Mediterranean style and, besides, We confess that it is one of our favorite styles.

Inspired by the timeless beauty of the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, capture the essence of the sun, the sea and, of course, the land and the Mediterranean essence of its white towns. This style will provide warm and welcoming spaces ideal for all those looking for a calm and elegant style in their homes or businesses..


The Charm of Mediterranean Style

The Mediterranean style that, without a doubt it will be a trend in the 2024, He is known for his innate charm, a balanced and harmonious combination of European influences, African and Asian. In its origins it was developed in countries like Italy, Greece and, of course, in Spain, where the warm climate and stunning sea views influenced the architecture and decoration.

Now, This style makes its way into the world of interior design, offering a warm color palette, natural materials and a feeling of relaxation that transforms any space into a Mediterranean environment.

Color palette

The bright sun, The intense blue sky and the Mediterranean Sea in full splendor are the inspiration behind the Mediterranean style color palette. Earth tones like terracotta, ocher and beige will also make up this trend for the 2024, combining with different shades of blue and green to create the serenity of the Mediterranean coast.

These colors not only configure undoubtedly aesthetic spaces, but they also provide a feeling of calm and relaxation. The color palette we are talking about is seen applied in textiles, furniture, coatings, etc. One of the most characteristic applications in this style is in tiles with geometric patterns., floral designs, etc. Next, We leave you some samples that we have in our showroom.

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Natural Materials

Something that characterizes the Mediterranean style are natural materials. Wood in warm tones, natural rustic stone and ceramic tiles like the examples we have seen above, They play fundamental roles in creating a purely Mediterranean environment. These materials not only provide an undoubted connection with nature, but they also provide quality value, durability and solidity to space.

This is one of the reasons why the Mediterranean style is going to be a trend this coming year. 2024, and natural materials are on the rise due to environmental awareness. The Mediterranean style, with its emphasis on materials such as wood and stone, aligns perfectly with this growing environmental awareness.

Style Applied to Interior Design

Mediterranean architectural design is often associated with open spaces and fluidity between outside and inside.. Large windows and doors that let in natural light, large terraces that allow the sun to flood the space…

Decorative details also play a fundamental role in creating a Mediterranean-style atmosphere.. Artisanal ceramics, hand painted tiles (or that imitate the painted upwards), textiles with geometric patterns, etc. Something that is also very identifying of this style is the furniture made of wrought iron., in this post here you can learn more about the role of wrought iron in interior design. Integrate natural plants such as olive trees, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. and you will be able to give the last unmatched touch.

In conclusion, the choice of the Mediterranean style as a trend for the 2024 is due to various factors. At Ceramoteca we proclaim ourselves lovers of this style and in our showroom you can find everything you need so that your project identifies with this very special style..

Come visit us at our showroom so we can help you, advise and advise you with your interior design project, PYou can book your appointment here. You can also follow us on Instagram so you don't miss any of the news.

See you in the next post!

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